Michael Lausen
Heute dürfen wir mit unserem Dozenten Michael Lausen ein Interview führen. Er unterrichtet bei uns Englisch, mit dem Fokus auf den Bereichen: Kaufleute im E-Commerce, Spedition und Logistik und Büromanagement .
1. If you had to describe yourself, what would you say about yourself?
I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner.
2. What is your professional background?
My name is Michael Lausen, and I enjoy promoting small and big companies to help them increase their profits. I’m excited for the opportunity to be part of a team that increases awareness of the businesses.
3. How did you come to ABK?
Had heard good things about the academy from some teacher and students’ colleagues, and after looking at the website, I decided to apply. I'm excited about this opportunity because remote work improves my productivity and the job itself speaks to me.
4. What do you enjoy most and what makes ABK different from other education providers for you?
“Because I enjoy it” – you’re more likely to be committed and to succeed if you genuinely enjoy the subject you’re studying, and you’ll probably also be better at the subject. Someone who’s genuinely interested in the subject will engage more with it, produce better work and contribute more usefully to class discussion at ABK academy. “Because it fits in perfectly with my career aims”.
5. How do you organize your lessons, what can we look forward to the most?
Lesson plans help you think in an organized manner, visualizing each step of the outline as you work from one concept to the next. A disorganized class presents too many opportunities for students to get off task and misbehave.
Every lesson that you build is an entire segment that you create to teach your students something new. As you build a lesson it’s important to keep all your students in mind and ask the following essential questions before you begin: For example, The Lead in and Preparation Task.
6. What are your 5 tips on the best way to stay up to date in the IT and ecommerce sector?
I think personally to Teach Others you will be up to date because of curiosity of the lesson. The quickest route to learning something new and keeping up to date is to simply research it, of course. But, who’s there to make you get that research accomplished?
A great way to force yourself into the habit of constantly keeping up with the latest technologies and trends is to teach yourself by teaching others.
Try Something New for Each Project. It can take a lot of effort to learn all of the latest technologies at once, so why not just take one baby step at a time?
With each new project, implement something new. It can be trying out the latest IT and Commerce, putting into practice a new design trend, or using a new technology or best practice for the first time, and then experimenting with it.
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